A second-place finish, four hours and 40 minutes on corrected time in the 2022 Chicago Mac double-handed section, didn’t sit well with Ted Lockwood and Justin Ackler. Winter preparations put them on the right path.
“We took care of the critical components with electronics,” said Justin Ackler. “We ran different routes and paid attention to how the software works and predicting wind routing.” Lockwood, who completed his first Mac in 1970, recalled Ned Lockwood’s words: “My Dad would say, ‘Teddy, it’s not the first two or three things, it’s the 95 things you do prior to going out and preparing the boat that makes you win.”
Moving ahead of their four-boat section was the difference as their J88, McQueen, set the pace pulling into Mackinac Harbor at 2:39:44 Monday, July 25, 2023. Their elapsed time was 2:03:39:44 just ahead of Exile 2:03:45:36. The corrected time was 2:03:36:56. Exile, sailed by Andy Graff and Scott Eisenhardt, was 2:04:02:22. 10-16 miles an hour southeast winds, propelled McQueen towards the shoreline near the Wisconsin border. Around 5 p.m., winds and waves shifted from the northwest.
From midnight to 5 a.m., it blew 20 knots. “We put our kite up,” said Lockwood, a resident of Traverse City, MI. “You couldn’t see the waves in the dark, but we were surfing three-six-foot waves and burying the bow doing 11-13 knots…”
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