In recent weeks model yacht racers have returned to the water as Covid restrictions have started to lift. The programme for this year has been revised in the light of the government roadmap with the National Championship being hosted by Fleetwood…
Monthly archives for April, 2021
Sailing with Pets
Corgis Bailey and Taz are at home on the boat. (Bruce Gladner/)
Irv and Bonni Alperts’ sail from Maine to George Town, Bahamas, on Bonni Jean II, a Lagoon 440 cruising catamaran, included a special family member: their dog, Stewie, a 10-year-old corgi that has sailed with the Alperts since he was four. “We wouldn’t consider going without Stewie. It wouldn’t be as much fun,” Irv says. “Seeing your pet react to the sights we take for granted on the water and on land has given us an even bigger appreciation of the beauty and scenery we see on our trips, and of the people we meet along the way.”
Doing Pit: How indispensable can you be?
The Pit role on a keelboat contributes to all corners of the boat. Eric Peltosalo (Annapolis, MD) shares his approach to the job:
I’m almost always first to arrive. Among my self-prescribed duties are:
1) Check bilge for water. Pump dry if necessary. Same for cooler.
2) Move sails from forward compartment to cabin sole. Stack in anticipated order of use.
3) Pack Spin left out in cabin to dry after sloppy douse at end of last race. Run tapes on other spins.
4) Place all sheets, guys, winch handles, tiller extension, main battens, etc. in or near cockpit.
5) Place blocks for guys on rail. Install twings for sheets. Have barber haul ready.
6) Make sure all spares are present and available.
7) Uncoil all halyards and other lines: run and flake same.
8) Turn on battery and check fuel level; put engine key in. Check instrument displays.
9) Stow all canvas covers below.
10) Since position is in companionway on top of cooler, perform primary duty of SNACKTICIAN. Properly arrange all beverages and ice same. Stow snacks in readily reachable cubbies.
11) Dig Sailing Instructions, course maps, charts, etc. out from mess in navigation station. Vow to clean same up some day. Check weather on VHF and place handheld in cockpit.
12) Properly stow all bags and gear from crew as they arrive and toss below. Try to keep them away from beer until after race.
13) Do all in REVERSE ORDER after RC or skipper calls off race.
black flag
Where do you stand on this touchy R/C issue?
So the grand poohbah of our little Dogpatch Wednesday night sailing club sent this out to his master email list. Note the last sentence. This is the entirety of the message, the ellipsis replace any personal identifying information. I am not participating in the current series. Nor was I involved with the RC last evening. I’m really just curious how others might react to receiving something like this:
I’ve had a number of complaints on last nights RC. Horns going off late, horns going off out of sequence with the flags, late start, etc.
I’d like to reiterate the RC responsibilities for everyone.
1. The first page in the RC book that is at the stand tells you what you need to do. READ IT.
2. No more than 3 people on the RC stand. Three is all you need. One to check boats in, one to manage the flags, and one to watch the time to ensure the races and the prestart start on time. Anymore than 3 and you have people standing around with nothing to do but interfere with the Race Committee. This is not a get together or a party. The RC has a job to do, an important one. If you want to have a get together do it AFTER the race…
470 European Championship highlights focus on new Paris 2024 event
Portugal continues as the Mecca of International dinghy sailing events with the 470 European Championships starting this weekend in Vilamoura, Portugal…
US Sailing names Alan Ostfield CEO
US Sailing today announced Alan Ostfield (Pittsburgh, Pa.), an accomplished sports and entertainment industry leader, as the Association’s new Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
Porto Finn Gold Cup – Against the odds
The 2021 Finn Gold Cup will take place from the 5 to 12 of May, with races between the 8 and 12 May based at the Douro Marina, Porto, Portugal…
Match Racing: It’s all about control
In the latest edition of The Dial Up, Henry Menin (US Virgin Islands) – former Chairman of the World Sailing Match Racing Committee and America’s Cup Umpire and Judge – provides his silver bullet on how to excel in match racing…
Launch of the Maxi Banque Populaire XI
The Ultim trimaran Banque Populaire XI exited the yard in Lorient, Brittany this Tuesday 27 April 2021…
why does it float?
We bet most of you don’t know…
A 33 footer in the Pacific
Am now busy fixing up my boat. Pushed it hard and it now needs a bit of…
DN Ice-Sailing – In China as well !
In Jinzhou Bay between Beijing and Korea, a small ice sailing scene has developed in recent years, which has been building its own DN sleds since 2019. The Chinese have now also become a member of the international class association. The report with video.
RS:X-Windsurfing – World Championship 2021
The RS:X windsurfing world championships came to an end yesterday in Cadiz with the Medal Races. —– 4th places were good enough for Lilian De Geus NED and Kiran Badloe NED to secure the World Championship titles. Behind Badloe NED Mattia Camboni ITA and Byron Kokkalanis GRE won the other medals in the mens event. —– Pedro Pascual Suitt USA follows in 23rd, Ignacio Berenguer MEX is 25th among 42 participants. —– In the womens race, Katy Spychakov ISR and Charline Picon FRA, tied on points, complete the podium. —– Farrah Hall USA is 17th, Demita Vega de Lille MEX 21st among 28 participants. —– All rankings and the video of the final day.
Clipper 2019-20 Race to restart in February 2022
We have made the difficult decision to postpone the restart of the Clipper 2019-20 Race…
Daysailing to Mexico
The other day we found ourselves about 1nm from the border to Mexico before turning around and heading back in..
If we were to keep going…maybe do a loop around the Coronado islands…what is required for US documented boats when travelling in foreign waters? We have no intention of going ashore before heading back to the US.
Do we need anything other than the same documents we need for sailing in the US?…..(I’m sure if fishing is…
classe action
The Mini class has long been a proving ground for up and coming offshore sailors with an ambition to graduate to larger offshore classes. And despite COVID restrictions, organisers have compiled a full calendar for the Mini 6.50 season which kicked off last month with the Italian Archipelago 650’s race. Following several Mediterranean-based competitions, the action has switched to the Atlantic coast for a series of summer events including two new ones, the Mini Gascony and the Calvados Cup double-header.
After first and second place finishes in the Gran Premio d’Italia, Anne-Claire Le Berre and Amélie Grassi lead the rankings in the production class. Hugo Dhallenne and Thibaut Vauchel-Camus came out on top in the recent Plastimo Lorient Mini production class and Pierre Le Roy and Cédric Faron in prototypes. Italy’s Matteo Sericano currently heads up the prototype ranking…
More on the class here
It’s All in the Delivery
The McKee Family Riptide 44 serves three purposes: cruiser, racer and self-exploration craft. (Jay Leon/)
It’s been a great cruise. Ten days in sunny Desolation Sound, that warm water mecca on the central British Columbia coast where our family tries to go cruising every year. At the end of this particularly epic cruise, however, when it’s time to pack up and get on the sea plane back to Seattle, to reality, inspiration strikes.
On this afternoon, there is a fresh northwesterly blowing in Georgia Strait. The wind observations are in the low 20s, forecast to slowly ease through the night. Not that I’m paying attention anyway…I’ll be long gone on the next sea plane. But as I’m packing my duffle, it occurres to me that I do not have to fly home with the family. I can sail our 44-footer “Dark Star” back to Seattle and skip the delivery crew next week. Clearly the kids are ready to go home, and we are very nearly out of food. My wife, Libby can deliver them home. I can sail! Solo. Through the night. But downwind. I have coffee…
the magnus effect
The first long-term test of a rotor sail fitted on a passenger ferry is coming to an end after three years aboard Viking Line’s Viking Grace. According to both the line and the technology company, the tests provided important data demonstrating the benefits of the rotor sail concept and helping to advance the technology. The test was also the first aboard an LNG-fueled ship creating the first LNG-wind electric propulsion hybrid ship.
During the test, the Viking Grace was able to reduce its emissions, fuel burn, and fuel costs according to data released by Norsepower, developer of the rotor sail. They estimated the annual reduction in carbon emissions at approximately 900 tons, which they said was equivalent to reducing LNG fuel consumption by 300 tons per year…
green deal
We ran a story from the LA Times on the dumping of DDT in the waters of Southern California. Turns out the problem is much worse than originally thought.
When the research vessel Sally Ride set sail for Santa Catalina Island to map an underwater graveyard of DDT waste barrels, its crew had high hopes of documenting for the first time just how many corroded containers littered the seafloor off the coast of Los Angeles.
But as the scientists on deck began interpreting sonar images gathered by two deep-sea robots, they were quickly overwhelmed. It was like trying to count stars in the Milky Way. The dumpsite, it turned out, was much, much bigger than expected. After spending two weeks surveying a swath of seafloor larger than the city of San Francisco, the scientists could find no end to the dumping ground. They could’ve kept going in any direction, they said, and uncovered even more. Read on.
Diam 24 OD Test Event open to book
A welcome invitation to sail: meet us in Venice, in the Arsenale, during the Boat Show for the Inshore boat-Diam 24 OD Test Event, we are waiting for you…
Spinnaker sleeve, all you need to know
The spinnaker sleeve, also known as the spinnaker sock, has changed single-handed sailing. It was not until the mid 80s that Etienne Giroire setup ATN and started producing a system that truly worked…
Cruising Cats

Four years ago, my husband, Paul, and I sold our five-bedroom Victorian home in Baltimore, Maryland, with the intention of buying a sailboat to live aboard in the future. From there we moved into a rental apartment in Washington, D.C., across the street from Paul’s office. Shortly after we’d unpacked the last box, the hunt began for a sailboat, and after looking at several in the Chesapeake area, we found the perfect one—a 2002 Beneteau Oceanis 473. When she was officially ours we renamed her Bumpy Night, after the famous line by Bette Davis from All About Eve…
Uffa Fox 2022 Cowes Regatta
To mark the 50th anniversary of the death of Uffa Fox, the Royal London Yacht Club are holding a series of exciting events in Cowes from 18-21 August 2022…
e-Sailing – Semaine Olympique – Hyères FRA – Join the competition !
Like last year, the Semaine Olympique in Hyères had to be cancelled due to the Corona restrictions. This year, there will be a virtual sailing week, which already started yesterday with training opportunities. At the weekend, 49er or Nacra17 can be sailed, the Bay of Hyères has been animated as a sailing area. The details.
RS:X-Windsurfing – World Championship 2021 – Cadiz ESP – Day 4 – Badloe NED premature World Champion
In fresh winds, the qualifications for todays Medal Races were completed yesterday in Cadiz. —– With a 26 point lead, Kiran Badloe NED is already the new world champion in the RS:X men. In 9 races he finished 8 times in the top 3. Byron Kokkalanis GRE in 2nd is only 4 points ahead of Mattia Camboni ITA in 3rd place. Tom Reuveny ISR and Piotr Myszka POL follow another 4 points behind. —– Pedro Pascual Suitt USA follows in 23rd, Ignacio Berenguer MEX is 25th. —– The Netherlands are still on top in the RS:X women too, but the lead of Lilian de Geus NED is only 3 points. Charline Picon FRA made a big step forward with two race wins in the fresh winds yesterday and moved up to rank 2. Katy Spychakov ISR and Zofia Noceti-Klepacka POL also remain in the race for the podium. —– Farrah Hall USA is 16th, Demita Vega de Lille MEX 20th. —– All rankings and the video of the day.
A full calendar for the Mini 6.50 season
The Mini class has long been a proving ground for up and coming offshore sailors with an ambition to graduate to larger offshore classes. And despite COVID restrictions, organisers have compiled a full calendar for the Mini 6.50 season…
SailGP Bermuda: Dramatic onboard collision video
Dramatic video footage shot from on-board Japan SailGP as their courses intersected with USA SailGP on Leg 3 of Race 4 of Day 2 of SailGP Bermuda…
let due process begin
While the panjandrums of World Sailing and the IOC still wrestle with the fate of their troubled two-handed mixed offshore race for the Paris 2024 Olympics, authorities elsewhere have to deal with more immediate concerns. SA readers will be aware of the awkward kerfuffle late last year during the run-up to the (COVID-cancelled) Sydney-Hobart race. At first, the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia welcomed two-handed entrants without restrictions. Then, after pressure from some influential skippers of conventionally crewed yachts, the two-handers were excluded from eligibility for the overall and existing divisional prizes and confined to separately created divisions of their own.
Severe disgruntlement followed, including multiple protests and murmurs of legal action. This disquiet is apparently unabated. Owners who shelled out $250,000 or more for the latest 30-footer or adapted an existing rocket-ship for short-handed offshore racing have not given up their fight to have the CYCA policy overturned…
Great Lakes College Keelboat Racing announcement
This annual fall regatta provides an opportunity for collegiate sailors to experience offshore keelboat racing with past participating teams coming from college sailing programs in the Midwest and beyond…
Great Britain SailGP Team win Bermuda Sail Grand Prix
Ben Ainslie and the Great Britain SailGP Team won the Bermuda Sail Grand Prix with a dramatic winner-takes-all final podium race…
Lauri Andressel enters Global Solo Challenge
Lauri Andressel from Tallin in Estonia is the 17th entry in the Global Solo Challenge. With his Bruce Farr designed Beneteau 53 F5 is also the skipper of the biggest boat entered so far…
Great Britain stuns dominant Australia
The Great Britain SailGP Team was crowned first event champion of SailGP Season 2 by winning the Bermuda Sail Grand Prix presented by Hamilton Princess on a dramatic day on the Great Sound, beating Australia…
52 pick up
Somebody only gets you the once. Hopefully… Where the playing cards are held between the thumb and index finger, flexed down, and then sprayed out to a jumbled mess on the floor…
Cayard, Lawrence win Star Western Hemispheres
Miami, FL (April 25, 2021) – Paul Cayard and Luke Lawrence (USA) are the 2021 Star Western Hemisphere Champions after a flawless series, leading the scoreboard since day one and winning without sailing the final race. – Full report
SailGP – Final Day of Bermuda Grand Prix
SailGP Live coverage and Full Race Replay of Bermuda Sail Grand Prix of the final day will be available here…
SailGP Bermuda: Baptism by fire on opening day and post race interviews
The surprise of the first day of racing in SailGP Bermuda was the performance of the three America’s Cup skippers and their star studded teams – all finishing outside the top three on the overnight leaderboard…
Formidable line-up for the first Tf35 Trophy
French sailing legend, Loïck Peyron, joins the line-up of top sailing stars to compete in the first-ever event of the inaugural TF35 Trophy next week…
RS:X-Windsurfing – World Championship 2021 – Cadiz ESP – Day 2 – North Americans in the second half of the fleets
Without racing on the opening day due to too much wind, the 2021 RS:X Windsurfing World Championship was kicked off yesterday with three races held in fresh winds. —– Kiran Badloe NED and Tom Reuveny ISR are tied for the lead in the mens rankings, with Byron Kokkalanis GRE and Piotr Myszka POL only one point behind in third and fourth places respectively. Pedro Pascual Suitt USA follows in 19th, Ignacio Berenguer MEX is 27th. —– Dutch lead in the womens race as well with Lilian De Geus NED. One point behind follows the Olympic champion Charline Picon FRA, and two points back are Zofia Noceti-Klepacka POL and Katy Spychakov ISR sharing the 3rd place. Farrah Hall USA is 17th, Demita Vega de Lille MEX 21st. —– All rankings and the video of the day.
Star Western Hemisphere Championship day 2
Day two of the 2021 Star Western Hemisphere was as perfect as day one, with clear blue sky, azure flat water and a steady 12-15 knot breeze blowing from South East…
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